Sunday, January 28, 2007

January 30

In Science: We will examine the Nervous System and the Control of Movement.

How the nervous system controls human movement The two components of the human nervous system: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system The role of the vertebral column and the spinal cord
Muscle spindles and their function

Polysynaptic reflexes and their role in human movement

The importance of the spinal cord and its potential injuries, including paraplegia and quadriplegia

Various means of treating spinal cord injuries

The significance and treatment of head injuries and concussions

Read Textbook 95-107

Assign Exercise 6.6 (Athletes with Spinal Cord Injuries) on p. 90 to raise your awareness of prominent athletes with spinal cord or head injuries and their attempts to continue to excel at sports.
Assign Exercise 6.1 (Section Quiz) on p. 84 and Exercise 6.2 (Terminology Review) on pp. 85 - 86 to review your understanding of the key concepts in this section.

Interesting article on Nutrition.

History work for today will be review for test Tomorrow.

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