Wednesday, January 31, 2007

February 1

Just to make the order of the Gods a little more clearer (hopefully ) here is a family tree that maps them all out.

History you have a test today (thursday).

Science we are looking at :

Fast and Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers

Slow twitch fibers can fuel repeated and extended muscle contractions such as those required for endurance events like a marathon.

Fast twitch fibers produce that force at a higher rate (they fire more rapidly). So a lot of fast twitch fibers can be an asset to a sprinter when there is a limited amount of time to generate maximal force. The slow twitch fibers, on the other hand, fire less rapidly, but can go for a long time before they fatigue.

Your research project will be handed out. It will be based on The Principles of Sport.

The Principle Of Individual Differences

The Principle of Overload

The Principle of Progression

The Principle of Adaptation

The Principle of Use/Disuse

The Principle of Specificity

For this project/presentation I want you to select a sport (e.g soccer,snowboarding, running) and create a one month training program. The program should be unique and apply to the specific sport. The program should use anaerobic and aerobic exercise. If the above Principles apply to your sport you should incorporate them.

This is an example of the type of effort needed for this project.

Give examples of types of exercises and explain why they benefit the imaginary athlete you have created. You will also need a nutritional outline for this one month period. This project is to be handed in and to be presented. Be sure to make hand outs for the rest of the class on the day of the presentation.

Todays work will include :

Textbook pp. 109 - 111 Workbook Exercise 7.3, p. 97

Textbook pp. 120 - 125 Workbook Exercise 7.6, p. 100

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