Tuesday, January 9, 2007

January 10

For this science class we will review the three major types of muscle fibres.

The major muscle fiber groups are

Type 1

This is predominately the muscle fibre that is used when you perform endurance type of activities such as running or weight sessions where you are lifting in the 25 plus rep range. Generally if you are ever lifting in this fashion you are not looking to gain strength but rather hoping to improve the muscle fibre's ability to deal with lactic acid build-up. This type of training should only be utilized by endurance athletes such as marathon runners or cyclists however as it is not really that beneficial for other athletes.

Type 2a

These are much more focused on generating strength than the type 1 and have a rapid contraction rate. When you are performing typical strength training exercises in the 6-8 rep range this is predominately the muscle fibre type you are going to call upon. They have a high capability of generating ATP (high energy compound), which is the prime source of fuel for short duration activities.

Type 2b

These types of muscle fibres generate the most force and are used predominately in activities that require an all out burst of effort. They rely exclusively on ATP for fuel and are very large in nature. They have a small number of mitochondria and fatigue very rapidly.

These types of muscle fibres are going to be seen in highest proportions in athletes such as sprinters or power lifters. Since these athletes are rarely performing activities that last much longer than 60 seconds in length they simply do not need to develop their slow twitch muscle fibres.


1. What is meant by the terms muscle endurance and muscle strength?

2. What is meant by the terms absolute and relative strength?

3. How does skeletal muscle differ from smooth muscle and cardiac muscle?

4. Muscles can contract while extending a joint or flexing a joint. What is the name for these types of movements?

5. There are two types of isotonic contractions – eccentric and concentric. What

movement action is described by each of these terms?

6. What is the difference between an isotonic and an isometric contraction?

In history class we polished your developed creation myth which should be a single page and feature common elements from traditional creation myths. You should also be familiar with Hesiod's Theogony .

The gods and goddesses of stories represent the metaphors that the ancient Greeks used to make sense of the world around them and of life in general. Research, write, and present a speech about a Greek god or goddess. You will be assigned a character for your speech. Your speech must include the following details:

* Your Greek name

* Your powers/responsibilities

* Your family relationships

* Your symbol(s) - this could be several items, including tools, animals, and/or cities.

Gods and Goddesses - The Religious & Social Background of the Greeks

The gods and goddesses of ancient Greece were created by man to explain the world around them, act as a means of exploration, provide legitimacy and authority to Greek aristocracy, and provide entertainment for the masses. The religion of the ancient Greeks did not have a single source of written scripture such as the Bible or the Qur'an. Furthermore, the ancient Greeks did not believe in absolute truth as practiced by modern faiths such as Christianity and Judaism. Generally, a Greek city-state would devote itself to a particular god or set of gods. Many city-states erected temples to their particular deities, and these deities were honored in festivals and animal sacrifices. The Greek gods and goddesses normally took on human form and lived in a society similar to human society. They exhibited all the emotions of human beings and frequently intervened in human history. The most significant difference between the Greek gods and humans was that the gods were immortal and human beings were not.


Ferhan1234 said...
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