Friday, December 14, 2007

happy holidays

See you in january..

here is a classic video to remind you what the holidays really mean

Stock Market Terms

26 vocabulary words that all relate to the stock market.

1 - rival

2 - leverage

3 - performance

4 - diversify

5 - commission

6 - execution

7 - regulate

8 - portfolio

9 - appreciation

10 - market

11 - research

12 - derivatives

13 - enterprise

14 - profit

15 - dividend

16 - investigate

17 - commodities

18 - fiduciary

19 - expectations

20 - analyze

21 - yield

22 - preservation

23 - tabloid

24 - invest

25 - fluctuate

26 - gazette

Match the 26 definitions below with the vocabulary words on the left. Answers are at the bottom of this page.

A--- to observe or study by close examination

B--- contracts (option or a future) whose value depend on the value of the securities, commodities, etc. that form the basis of the contract

C--- borrowed money used to magnify the percentage return on an investment

D--- the act or process of keeping safe, protecting or guarding

E--- diligent and systematic inquiry into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories etc.

F--- the financial return on a stock on a per share basis expressed as a percent of its market value

G--- one who contends with another for the same object

H--- to separate and examine the parts

I--- the act or process of carrying out an action

J--- a newspaper about half the page size of an ordinary newspaper

K--- a percentage of the amount (fee) charged by an agent for services

L--- the act or process of carrying out a command

M--- to distribute (investments) among different types of securities or industries

N--- a person to whom property or power is entrusted for the benefit of another

O--- a payment to corporate stockholders from that company's earnings

P--- to rise, fall or shift in an irregular motion

Q--- to govern or direct by rule

R--- a venture: a business undertaking

S--- a newspaper or official journal

T--- a formally organized meeting together of people to buy and sell stocks, bonds etc.

U--- a prospect of future benefits or fortune; the degree of probability that something will occur

V--- a list of securities owned by an individual or financial institution

W--- to put money in a company for a profit, income or return

X--- the financial gain when the selling price of goods exceeds their cost

Y--- an economic asset with physical properties

Z--- an increase in owner's equity

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

economics comic book project

ok heres the deal you got to make a comic book out of one winner of the Nobel prizes in economics.

Use comic life program on the computers at school or ask me and I will give you the program this is due Friday December 14th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a wiki link to the list

1.So choose one economist, then create your comic book.
2.Make sure it details the persons life.
3.Include dialog.
4.Includes definitions and concepts if needed.
5.Make sure to include the persons influence on economics.

economics chapter 4

Words you should understand:

law of demand
law of supply
non-price factors
consumer expectations
substitute goods
complement goods
pure competition

As of right now 9 am tuesday december 11 google stock is at 718 dollars.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The heart

  1. All vertebrates have what type of circulatory system?
  2. How does the circulatory system maintain homeostasis?
  3. Name 4 functions of the circulatory system.
  4. What are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart called?
  5. What are blood vessels that carry blood to the heart called?
  6. What is the sac that surrounds the heart called?
  7. What is the muscular portion of the heart called?
  8. What is the lining of the myocardium called?
  9. What is the name of the upper cavities of the heart? The lower cavities?
  10. What veins carry blood to the left atrium? The right atrium?
  11. What arteries carry blood away from the left ventricle? The right ventricle?

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Economics Video

You need to check this video:

And another that should explain the whole class

diet wars

Make sure you know these definitions:

1. Body Mass Index

2. Calorie

3. Cholesterol

4. Glucose

5. Glycogen

6. Glycemic Index

7. Insulin

8. Obesity

9. Pancreas

10. Saturated Fats

11. Unsaturated Fats

12. Trans Fats

1. December is the most common time for people to go on diets. ____________

2. One way to determine if people are overweight is to measure their Body Mass Index (BMI). ____________

3. Blood glucose checks are made to determine if people are overweight. ____________

4. Approximately one-third of Americans are overweight. ____________

5. Animal fats are considered to be very healthy. ____________

6. The Atkins diet encourages people to eat fat. ____________

7. The USDA food pyramid encourages people to eat pasta, bread and potatoes. ____________

8. Most popular diets today are very similar to one another. ____________

9. Low-fat foods are not fattening. ____________

10. You gain more weight eating 3,000 calories in fat than eating 3,000 calories in carbohydrates. ____________

11. A baked potato increases blood sugar levels more quickly than an equal amount of pure table sugar. ____________

12. Some people believe that the Atkins diet contributed to Dr. Atkins' death. ____________

13. Some fats are good for your health. ____________

14. Generally only about 30 to 50 percent of the people who have lost weight regain it. ____________

15. People consume food when it is not mealtime. ____________

16. People in England are starting to develop weight problems. ____________

17. Children born in the year 2000 have a 50 percent chance of developing diabetes over the course of their lifetime. ____________

18. Many school menus are filled with artery-clogging fats. ____________

19. Children today are more physically active than children in the past. ____________

20. Walking does not provide sufficient exercise to lose weight. ____________

21. McDonald's has a new healthy Happy Meal. ____________

22. Obesity will soon surpass smoking as the leading cause of death. ____________

1.What kinds of foods did Europeans eat before the Age of Exploration?

2. What foods were introduced from the New World?

3. Compare and contrast the diets in various regions of the Canada.

4. Summarize the impact that immigrants and technology have had on Canadian diets.