Monday, February 19, 2007

February 20

OK for today in Science:

Workbook Exercise 11.4, p. 124

Performance-Enhancing Substances and Techniques Substances

Exercise 11.1 (Section Quiz) on p. 120 and Exercise 11.2 (Terminology Review) on pp. 121 - 122 to review student’s understanding of performance-enhancing substances and techniques in sport.

Summative Evaluation: Written analysis on the effects of nutrition and performance-enhancing methods and substances on human performance,this is to be 1 page single spaced on a specific drug used in sports ,this is to be HANDED IN.

Technological Influences on Human Performance

The impact that various scientific practices have had on sport performance

How technology has improved the design and construction of personal protective equipment in a number of sports

How technology has improved the design and construction of sports equipment such as clothing, playing surfaces, and so on

Question of whether improved athletic performance is due to higher skill levels or better equipment design.


Life in ancient Greece. The earliest Greek civilizations thrived nearly 4,000 years ago. Still their culture has an impact on our lives today, in the arts, in philosophy, and in science, math, literature and politics. The ancient Greeks were great builders, thinkers, philosophers and military strategists. Some of the things we were given by the ancient Greeks include Trial by Jury, Democracy, Tragedy and Comedy, Theatre, The Olympics and Greek Myths.

The ancient Greeks did not have one king or queen. They lived in city-states. Each city-state was a separate political unit. The ancient Greeks all spoke the same language. They believed in the same gods. They shared a common heritage. They perceived themselves as Greeks. The ancient Greeks referred to themselves, however, as citizens of their individual city-states. Each city-state (polis) had its own personality, goals, laws and customs. Ancient Greeks were very loyal to their city-state.

Research what a day in the life of ancient Greece would feel like. Make sure they cover such topics as Men,Women,Girls,Boys,Slaves,Pets,Food,Houses,Clothing,Dance,Education,Weddings.

Get in pairs and create a travel brochure for someone who could travel back in time to ancient Greece. Make sure there are pictures and that not too much text is used, maps are handy. Write down what you currently know about your topic. Describe the location. Write down any key landmarks, interesting tourist spots, or historically significant locations that you now know about.

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