Tuesday, February 27, 2007

February 28

Science Study Sheet for Test on Friday

A Mens Health exercise guide

For History you should be aware of these terms and ideas for the unit 2 test.

Great Sphinx
Canopic jars
Rosetta Stone
Why Poseidon despises Odysseus
The Parthenon
Alexander the Great
archaeologist who discovered TROY

For today we will work on this Hand out on Daily Life in Greece.

Monday, February 26, 2007

February 27

Monday we watched Diet Wars

Do not forget that this Wednesday 2 projects are due for Science Class.

1. The diet project

2. Those 3 questions choose one.

1.The effect of sleep and rest on training

2.Training at a different altitudes.

3.The importance of warm up and cool down periods in an exercise schedule.

Science Test is this Friday March 2

Sunday, February 25, 2007

February 26

Two power points on Greek architecture.

architecture 1

architecture 2

Thursday, February 22, 2007

February 22 Auto Show

From car show feb ...

Click on the picture to view more.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

February 22

Science today

You have a project to hand in 1 page on one of these 3 topics:

1.The effect of sleep and rest on training

2.Training at a different altitudes.

3.The importance of warm up and cool down periods in an exercise schedule.

Textbook pp. 199 - 203

Workbook Exercises 13.4, p. 137; 13.1, p. 132; 13.2, pp. 133 - 134; 13.5, p. 138

§ The effect of environmental factors on training

§ Definitions of burnout and overtraining

§ Avoiding burnout and overtraining

Research and present findings on athletes who have suffered from burnout and overtraining.

Research and present findings on athletes who have benefited from environmental factors (e.g., altitude, wind, and so on).

Monday, February 19, 2007

February 21


Section 13: Training Principles and Methods

Learning Objectives for This Section

Definition of athletic training and its parameters

The F.I.T.T. principle (Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type) of developing a training program

The role of cardiorespiratory fitness measurement in designing training schedules

The role of the three energy systems in training

The six Principles of training (Overload, Progression, Specificity, Individual Difference, Reversibility, and Diminishing Returns), and their integration into an individual training regimen

The general adaptation syndrome (GAS), and its role in athletic training

Environmental factors and their impact on training

Other important factors that can have an effect on training, such as rest, recovery, avoiding injury, maintaining interest, and avoiding burnout and/or overtraining.

Textbook pp. 187 - 198

§ F.I.T.T. principle

§ Measuring cardiorespiratory fitness

§ Repetition maximums

§ The role of energy systems in training

§ Other principles of training

§ Fartlek training

§ Interval training

§ Concurrent training

§ Plyometrics

§ Resistance training

§ Periodization

Select and record three sports on board (e.g., hockey, soccer, tennis) and determine which training method best serve the needs of athletes competing in each sport.

Workbook Exercise 13.3 pp. 135 - 136


The class will study classical relief sculptures that tell stories of great battles and heroic deeds. You will create your own of either a contemporary or historical event.

Discuss relief sculpture, with references to Greek and Roman classical sculpture. Discuss a significant event you are studying in history or a current event you would like to depict in a relief.

You should describe the entire event from the beginning to the end, and describe key characters and background information. Based on the story the students chose have them sketch out their ideas. Distribute cardboard cut outs.

Number each one in sequence. You can then attach paper cut outs and draw their depiction of the story on their board. Make sure the boards will line up and that all the pictures are coming together ok. After the work has been completed connect all the pieces with tape or tinfoil or staples.

After this you can create a narrative of the event below the relief to describe in detail this event in the context of other events in history.

February 20

OK for today in Science:

Workbook Exercise 11.4, p. 124

Performance-Enhancing Substances and Techniques Substances

Exercise 11.1 (Section Quiz) on p. 120 and Exercise 11.2 (Terminology Review) on pp. 121 - 122 to review student’s understanding of performance-enhancing substances and techniques in sport.

Summative Evaluation: Written analysis on the effects of nutrition and performance-enhancing methods and substances on human performance,this is to be 1 page single spaced on a specific drug used in sports ,this is to be HANDED IN.

Technological Influences on Human Performance

The impact that various scientific practices have had on sport performance

How technology has improved the design and construction of personal protective equipment in a number of sports

How technology has improved the design and construction of sports equipment such as clothing, playing surfaces, and so on

Question of whether improved athletic performance is due to higher skill levels or better equipment design.


Life in ancient Greece. The earliest Greek civilizations thrived nearly 4,000 years ago. Still their culture has an impact on our lives today, in the arts, in philosophy, and in science, math, literature and politics. The ancient Greeks were great builders, thinkers, philosophers and military strategists. Some of the things we were given by the ancient Greeks include Trial by Jury, Democracy, Tragedy and Comedy, Theatre, The Olympics and Greek Myths.

The ancient Greeks did not have one king or queen. They lived in city-states. Each city-state was a separate political unit. The ancient Greeks all spoke the same language. They believed in the same gods. They shared a common heritage. They perceived themselves as Greeks. The ancient Greeks referred to themselves, however, as citizens of their individual city-states. Each city-state (polis) had its own personality, goals, laws and customs. Ancient Greeks were very loyal to their city-state.

Research what a day in the life of ancient Greece would feel like. Make sure they cover such topics as Men,Women,Girls,Boys,Slaves,Pets,Food,Houses,Clothing,Dance,Education,Weddings.

Get in pairs and create a travel brochure for someone who could travel back in time to ancient Greece. Make sure there are pictures and that not too much text is used, maps are handy. Write down what you currently know about your topic. Describe the location. Write down any key landmarks, interesting tourist spots, or historically significant locations that you now know about.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

February 19

Now that we have absorbed the news that Britney has shaved her head...back to school god its cold out...


Textbook pp. 155 - 171

Workbook Exercises 10.1, p. 108; 10.2, pp. 109 - 110

§ Nutrition and athletic performance

§ Dehydration and fluid replacement

§ Carbohydrate-loading

Research published reports (in sport and fitness magazines or on the Internet) of the pre-competition diets of elite athletes.

Bring to class labels from various “sports bars” and “replacement drinks”

Discussion can revolve around the pros and cons of each product (i.e., their nutritional claims and actual nutrient value).

Assign Exercise 10.1 (Section Quiz) on p. 108 and Exercise 10.2 (Terminology Review) on pp. 109 - 110 to review understanding of the basic concepts relating to nutrition and performance.

Look at: Workbook Exercise 11.3, p. 123

§ Nutritional aids

§ Pharmacological aids

§ Physiological aids

The three basic forms of performance-enhancing substances, or ergogenic aids (nutritional, pharmacological, and physiological aids)

The basic subgroups of nutritional aids (vitamins and minerals; protein and amino acid supplements; carnitine; creatine; and caffeine)

The basic subgroups of pharmacological aids (pain-masking drugs, anabolic steroids, prohormones, human growth hormone, and erythropoietin)

The role of the World Anti-Doping Agency in fighting drug use in sport

Thursday, February 15, 2007

February 16

Well today is a short day ..woo hoo enjoy the weekend. Here is a fun game that I stumbled upon.

Double Wires Game

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

February 14

Valentines day and a snow day ...

For history:

An introduction to Greece, Athens, and the Parthenon, share the following facts with the class:

  • The Age of Classical Greece was the most influential period of ancient Greece. During this time, the ancient Greeks developed ideas for philosophy, religion, government, science, and art. A few of the great accomplishments of this age included the rise of democratic city-states and the Parthenon. The philosophers Socrates and Plato and playwrights Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes lived during this time.
  • Ancient Greece was divided into several independent city-states. The city-state of Athens was the center of Greek culture and arts. Get a map of Athens.
  • Sitting high on a hill at the center of Athens is the Acropolis, a group of monuments and temples dedicated to the gods.

Create a full image of the Parthenon. Research questions related to the design and form of the Parthenon. The topics include The Rooms, Base and Floor, Columns and Capital, Friezes, Roof, History and Purpose. Research these topics and questions on the computer or in books. You should be prepared to present their findings in a presentation in the next class.

Read Hercules from the Mythology text.

Monday, February 12, 2007

February 13

Take a virtual tour of the Parthenon.

Introduce the following vocabulary words and show examples of them: capital, marble, pediments, frieze, post and lintel construction. Distribute the handouts, Classic Greek Architecture Questions and Parthenon Pictures.

Distribute the handout, Greek Column Orders. There was an architectural style in America and Canada called the Greek Revival style. This style of architecture was very important in North America from about 1818-1850 and was found throughout the country. The Greek Revival style was easy to adapt and was used in all types of buildings, from government structures to family homes. Emphasize that the Lincoln Memorial is a good example of Greek Revival architecture. Locate a Greek Revival structure in the community. Distribute the handout, Greek Revival in Today's Community and review the assignment .

Read Theseus from the Mythology text.

Here is a great introduction site to Greek and Roman Art

Sunday, February 11, 2007

February 12

We are now in the architecture section of civilization class. we will examine some of the ways classical architecture influenced later building styles and engineering developments. Define architectural terms from Greek and Latin. Identify and explain architectural features. Explain aspects of life based on archeological findings. Apply their knowledge of archeological discoveries to classical literature.

You are about to explore the roots of two political systems

1. Totalitarianism


Both forms exist today, but the roots for each can be found in ancient Greece. Within Sparta there existed three groups: slaves, known as Helots; Spartan females, who were taught to be fit, brave, and patriotic; and Spartan males, all of whom became warriors. Introduce the term democracy.

The democratic political system used as its model Athenian democracy. In the ancient Greek city of Athens all citizens participated in Athenian governmental activities. Explore the concept of unalienable rights and discuss the meaning of ‘just powers from the consent of the governed’.

Use what you have learned about the two civilizations and imagine what your lives would be like if they lived in Athens and Sparta. Write a fictional piece that describes their life as a Spartan or Athenian youth. Your stories should contain at least three aspects of Spartan or Athenian life.

Consider the following questions:

Who benefited most in each society—the rich or poor, males or female?

Who benefited least?

What are the pros and cons of each civilization?

Where do we see the seeds of their governments in today’s world?

Discussion Questions:

1. Spartan society depended heavily on their Helots (slaves). Discuss whether their society could have existed without the slaves.

2. During the years 431-404 B.C., Athens and Sparta engaged in wars with one another. Given what you know about the two states, which state do you think was victorious? Defend your choice. Following this discussion, explain to students that Athens ultimately lost these wars.

3. Which state would you have rather lived in, Athens or Sparta? Explain why.

4. Analyze how a “democratic” society can deny rights to some individuals.

5. Despite Sparta’s accomplishments, the state did not leave an artistic legacy as Athens did. How does this reflect the philosophy of Spartan society? Should a society make art a priority?

6. How “democratic” a society was Athens? Compare Athens to our society. What are the similarities? What are some differences?

Thursday, February 8, 2007

February 08

This week in Science we have looked at carbohydrates, proteins and fats. We also examined Basal and metabolic rates and how to calculate them.Key vitamins and minerals.Macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and water).

Readings: Textbook pp. 141 -154

Today we will look at:
Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating
Cholesterol and lipoproteins
The energy equation

Workbook Exercise 10.7, p. 118
Workbook Exercises 10.3, p. 111; 10.4, p. 112

Basal and resting metabolic rate
Daily caloric needs
Caloric balance
Body Mass Index

Personal nutritional analysis based on a three-day diet
You will record three days of your diet.

Nutritional labelling
Fad diets
Obesity in Canada
Research information on various “fad” diets from fitness and nutrition magazines, newspapers, and online sources. Share your findings with the class.

Discussion can focus on the pros and cons of each diet.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Greek Flash Cards

More flashcards, word search, and hangman provided by StudyStack.com

February 07

Super size me film today.

We will watch the end of this film today as an introduction to the unit on nutrition.

We will have a class debate on topics from the film.

Some possible debate topics include -

  • Should "characters" be used for advertising when the target audience is often very young?
  • Should schools limit or eliminate access to vending machines and soda machines in schools? Why or why not?
  • Is it a school's responsibility to notify parents and/or students when a student is seriously overweight considering all of the ill health effects?
  • What are some ways that American life leads to obesity and what can be done about it?
  • Should gym class be made harder? Why or why not? Do you think students would approve?
  • Should grocery stores and convenience stores make junk food less visible? And should the prices be higher for high fat/low nutrition foods?
  • Should nutrition content of school lunches be made easily available to students who want to make better choices?
  • What impact do you think food labels have on the choices Americans make with their foods? Do you think they should have warning labels similar to the Surgeon General's warning on cigarettes?

  • Trans fats
  • Hydrogenation
  • %DV (percent daily value)
  • Carbohydrates
  • Kilocalories
You will put together a "secret survey" in which you will watch your classmates at lunch and determine a nutrition index of the foods that are chosen.

Using colored pencils or markers, you will determine a scale rating of 1-5 for the food choices. 1 will be a very high fat, high calorie, low nutrition food item, while a 5 will be a healthy whole food like apples, real chicken breasts, and so on. You should make the key and list example foods at each level. For instance, broccoli, although a good food source, once loaded with cheese or butter can go lower on the scale. Other foods such as snack cakes would be a 1.

Use this link as a PRINTOUT

Research and compare the marketing budgets of several large fast food or soft drink companies.

February 6

Today in science we are looking at Unit 2 section 10 Nutrition for Performance.

I will hand out exercise 10.1 and definitions on key terms to be examined in this chapter.

Some terms include :exercise,fitness,kinesiology,vitamins,minerals.

You will have to finish your work from previous day on jobs in the field of exercise science such as a personal trainer and nurse.

In history we will finish up your myth work because we will be heading into the architecture unit.

We will also look at the 12 labors of Heracles.