Monday, April 9, 2007

April 10 The Renaissance

The renaissance.

French for 'rebirth was a cultural movement in Europe that began in the late Middle Ages, and spanned roughly the 14th through the 17th century. It focused on a revival of classical works. Changes in art and advancements in science were see. Its influence was felt in literature philosophy arts ,religion.

Writers and artists worked to recover the learning of ancient Greece and Rome.

What was going on during the 15th century in italy should be seen as the 'prototype of the modern world."

Questions that you should understand:

What changes took place in social , economic and political institutions?

What were the key developments in artistic expression during the renaissance?

Describe how family structures changed during the renaissance?

The growth of Italian city states.


feudal,despots,oligarchies,humanism, communal family,nuclear family,serf,dogma,utopia.


Writers and artists wanted to separate themselves from other eras. They used the term humanism to separate their era with others. They viewed the classics as their inspiration. It placed importance on living in this world and being a responsible citizen. It valued knowledge and used it as a guide to personal and political conduct.

An important character of this time was Niccolò Machiavelli. 1494 france invaded italy. He was the author of The Prince which is a study of the modern state. He realized that the time that he was living in was its own thing by itself. The state did not belong to any other political or religious power.

Renaissance Art

The culture and values of the time are seen in the art. It was different from medieval art. Medieval art was mostly churches meant to show truths and spiritual values. Art brought back ideas from classicism like proportion , order,harmony and ideal themes. Artists gained new fame. During this time the nude human form was a popular object. This time period of art began the modern idea of art representing an external world to us.

Family Life

Changed from communal living to the nuclear family. Marriage became a more personal affair.
Society and Class

The serfs of the middle ages transformed. Urbanized areas formed. slavery was still popular.

Popular people during this time.

Girolamo Savonarola Thomas More Leonardo Davinci Michelango Buonarroti. Donato Donatello Sandro Botticelli


What does the term "renaissance"mean? Why did it begin in northern Italian cities? How were the city states governed?

In pairs develop a graphic organizer to show the common concerns interests and ideas among the individuals noted above. Who do you consider to be the best example of a renaissance man and why?

How did art change during the renaissance?

How did the printing press transform both the private and public lives of Europeans?

On one page consider this quote in relation to Machiavelli "is it better to be loved than feared, or vice versa?" The answer should come from the point of view of Lorenzo de Medici,Henry VII or Queen Isabella as well as one current political leader.

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