Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cmon Snow day:) *Apollo*

Not a snow day but .. should be..

Here is another Greek god family tree to look at


Etymology: Latin heros, from Greek hErOs

1 a: a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability; b: an illustrious warrior; c: a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities; d: one that shows great courage.
2 a: the principal male character in a literary or dramatic work; b: the central figure in an event, period, or movement.

Today I want you to research an article related to ancient Greece and present about it at the end of class you can find articles here

We are going to examine the character of Apollo today.Comic and family tree and any questions you have to hand in before Friday which is test day.

Make sure you understand the different people in Greece such as the Minoans The Mycenaeans and your home work will be to make a newspaper on a favourite myth of yours.

The newspaper:
write a headline about the myth and then create a report focusing on factual events which occurred. In another column, write an editorial giving your opinion of the myth, include reasons that back up their opinion.

Design an illustration of an important part in the myth and write a caption below it that explains the action occurring.In the last column, draw an advertisement that would influence others to read their myth.

Check this powerpoint on Apollo.

Today define :

Bronze Age Greece
archaic age
classical period
Hellenistic period

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