Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Salem Witch Trials

Research life of a Puritan in New England

What a puritan is?

The Salem witch trials.

The causes of the paranoia and hysteria.

Choose an important person in the Salem witch trials:

  1. How old was the person?
  2. What was the person's occupation?
  3. What do we know about the person's family?
  4. Why do people think this person was accused of witchcraft and/or accused others of witchcraft?
  5. What is most remembered in about this person in current popular culture, if anything?
  6. Was this person wealthy or poor?
  7. Where did this person live?
Write a story, letter, or diary entry from the
perspective of one of the afflicted. The writing should involve some or
all of the following: personal feelings of the historical figure,
description of 'fits' and other sensations experienced by the
'afflicted', an accusation, a court trial or recollections from a court
trial, remorse.

If you prefer, you may write a story, letter, or
diary entry from the perspective of one of the accused, or from a judge
or other court official. Again, the writing should be relevant to the
historical event. Make sure
historical evidence supports their viewpoint?

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