Wednesday, May 2, 2007

May 2 Canadian History

Research letters from settlers in Alberta.

You will write a fictitious letter as if they are an Albertan pioneer in the early part of the twentieth century. The student is to include the changes and challenges homesteaders would face and the adjustments to their lifestyle these would cause. As well, you also must include a drawing depicting their fictitious dwelling.

“This study focuses on the people who have contributed to Alberta’s history and development, beginning with the original inhabitants, and tracing the people in Alberta’s history. It focuses on the lives of Albertans through the following case studies: a homestead settlement (1890-1939).

Questions and Issues for Inquiry:
How have changes and challenges caused Albertans to adjust their lifestyles?
How have Albertans adjusted their lifestyles to meet changes and challenges?
What impact did the influx of homesteaders have on Alberta:
Why did they come?
What did they bring?
How did they influence the lifestyle of Albertans?
What was their contribution to the province?”

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