Sunday, February 11, 2007

February 12

We are now in the architecture section of civilization class. we will examine some of the ways classical architecture influenced later building styles and engineering developments. Define architectural terms from Greek and Latin. Identify and explain architectural features. Explain aspects of life based on archeological findings. Apply their knowledge of archeological discoveries to classical literature.

You are about to explore the roots of two political systems

1. Totalitarianism


Both forms exist today, but the roots for each can be found in ancient Greece. Within Sparta there existed three groups: slaves, known as Helots; Spartan females, who were taught to be fit, brave, and patriotic; and Spartan males, all of whom became warriors. Introduce the term democracy.

The democratic political system used as its model Athenian democracy. In the ancient Greek city of Athens all citizens participated in Athenian governmental activities. Explore the concept of unalienable rights and discuss the meaning of ‘just powers from the consent of the governed’.

Use what you have learned about the two civilizations and imagine what your lives would be like if they lived in Athens and Sparta. Write a fictional piece that describes their life as a Spartan or Athenian youth. Your stories should contain at least three aspects of Spartan or Athenian life.

Consider the following questions:

Who benefited most in each society—the rich or poor, males or female?

Who benefited least?

What are the pros and cons of each civilization?

Where do we see the seeds of their governments in today’s world?

Discussion Questions:

1. Spartan society depended heavily on their Helots (slaves). Discuss whether their society could have existed without the slaves.

2. During the years 431-404 B.C., Athens and Sparta engaged in wars with one another. Given what you know about the two states, which state do you think was victorious? Defend your choice. Following this discussion, explain to students that Athens ultimately lost these wars.

3. Which state would you have rather lived in, Athens or Sparta? Explain why.

4. Analyze how a “democratic” society can deny rights to some individuals.

5. Despite Sparta’s accomplishments, the state did not leave an artistic legacy as Athens did. How does this reflect the philosophy of Spartan society? Should a society make art a priority?

6. How “democratic” a society was Athens? Compare Athens to our society. What are the similarities? What are some differences?

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