Wednesday, April 30, 2008

paris remix

French Words[Remixxxxxxxxx

From: sunnycuts, 5 minutes ago

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French Test

Find a famous french song and its lyrics.

Translate all the lyrics into english.

Put both into a powerpoint presentation.

Grab a pen and paper and label everything you see in the school. Walls the desks, pencils, and washrooms.

Make a solid list.
Translate all the words.

Research a famous french actress or actor create a biography for them in french.

French Lesson #2

French Lesson

Article to Read for World Issues

Todays article is Understanding the Global Rice Crisis

Tuesday, April 29, 2008



From: sunnycuts, 47 minutes ago

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Ok lets check this page for the basics!!!!!!!!!!

Then I want you to research an area in France and create a powerpoint presentation based on it.

Things like foods events people attractions etc can be included.

You can find ares here.

Unit Test 1 Review

There will be 4 categories on the test

1.Knowledge and Understanding. =multiple choice online quiz 20 questions

2.Inquiry / Thinking. The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes, as follows:
planning skills (e.g., focusing research, gathering information, organizing an inquiry)
processing skills (e.g., analysing, evaluating, synthesizing)
critical/creative thinking processes (e.g., inquiry, problem solving, decision making, research)

These will be short answer questions/definitions

3.Communication. The conveying of meaning through various forms, as follows:
written (e.g., report, journal, opinion piece).

This will be an essay based from your opinions.

4.Application. The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts.

An essay topic.

Questions to consider:

the definitions on this site
Do you believe there’s bias in the news media? Do yousee it yourself?
How will high gas prices affect your life?
Describe how carrying capacity affects food prices?


Happiness Economics is the study of a country's well-being by combining ecnonomists' and psychologists' techniques. It relies on more expansive notions of utility than does conventional economics.

Laissez-faire is a French phrase literally meaning 'let do'. It is used as a synonym for strict free market economics. It is generally understood to be a doctrine that maintains that private initiative and production are best allowed to be free of economic interventionism and taxation by the state beyond what is necessary to maintain individual liberty, peace, security, and property rights. This was economically operated by Adam Smith.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Democracy- In political theory, democracy describes a small number of related forms of gonernment and also a political philosophy. A common feature of democracy as currently understood and practiced is competitive elections.

Social theory- It is an essential tool used by scholars in the analysis of society; through the use of theoretical frameworks social structures and phenomena are analyzed and placed in context within a particular school of thought.

World Issues Review

Check this site for fun stats!!!!!!!!

and this one for canadas cities rankings

and a great article on walmart


Plan a trip using the internet.

Decide on the destination and the necessary topics for your trip on the internet.
On the second day, they go to the multimedia lab and look for a page to search on, so that they can Imagine that you are really going to travel.

Prepare an oral (to the whole group) and written presentation (to the teacher).

French :P

OK lets learn Francaise!

We are going to make flash cards from this site

And a Project

Create a themed magazine in French.

  1. Choose a topic and create a name for the magazine.
  2. Find or write features related to the chosen topic.
  3. Select photographs or pictures from real magazines or internet and turn into ads.
  4. Create cover page and table of contents.
  5. Staple or bind into a magazine.



Happiness Economics

Sunday, April 27, 2008

World Issues Week 2

Test Wednesday

Definitions you should know:

Subjective and objective opinions

Change by diffusion

Carrying Capacity



Demographic trap

Feedback loop

New Definitions:




Left wing and Right wing politics

Social theory






Happiness Economics

We will be examining this website to see where you views are politically.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The difference between SUBJECTIVE and OBJECTIVE





Definition of change by diffusion and carrying capacity - Hwanil

Change by diffusion

Change in country's economic or social structure that is accomplished gradually as people recognize the benefits of change. For example, in Kerala,India, population growth declined as people came to recognize the benefits of smaller families.

Carrying Capacity

The maximum number of people that can be sustained by an environment(e.g. the Earth's resources)

Definition of terms

-Greed : It is the desire to have more of something , such as food or money, than is necessary or fair.

-Sustainability : Development that meets the needs of people today without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

world issues-David Kim

Demographic trap

-a situation in which a developing country continues to have a high birth rate instead of experiencing the declining birth of the late transition stage. combined with declining death rates. this situation causes a population increase that threatens the country's economic and social development

Feedback loop

-a self-perpetuating situation in which each consequence eventually causes the initial condition to recur

world issues

Hi my name is Eric Jin.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

World Issues Monday

Topic for this week :Resources Issues

We are going to examine articles from this site

and this one

These are some questions we will discuss

  • What are your initial reactions to a spike in fuel prices and the coming oil shortage?
  • How might your life have to change? How serious are those changes? How ready are you to make them?
  • How do you think life might change for other people? Will this affect you?
  • Why did oil prices rise so fast? Why did the announcement "an oil shortage is coming" cause fuel prices to rise immediately?
  • Some say that in the United States we are "addicted to oil." Do you see truth in that statement? Why or why not?
Some issues we will be examining in this class include:

Social class systems
Natural Resources

This is the breakdown of topics for Unit 1

Chapter 1:  Canadian World Issues
What Is Your Point of View?
What Is an Issue?
Distinguishing Opinions from Facts
How May Bias Be Detected?

Chapter 2: What Do You Know of the World?
Classifying Countries
Your Paper Map of the World

Chapter 3: Two Themes for World Issues
Resources and Resource Use
Different Views of Our World
The Need for Sustainable Development

Friday, April 18, 2008

seung jea lee


Sunny Park


CGW4U Unit 1

Overview of Unit 1: Introduction: Studying Issues

This introductory unit provides a foundation for understanding the terminology and key issues presented in the remainder of the course --starting with clarifying the distinction between what we will mean by "issues" versus "problems".

This unit familiarizes the students with the issues relating to human and environmental geography and introduces them to the skills and technology used in geographic study.

Students use issues analysis as a means to break down complex issues, cartoon interpretation to gain insight about how the media influences public perceptions of world issues and statistical and mapping techniques to understand global patterns. They begin to collect articles for the Class Resource File.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

jian temple

Temple Presentation

From: sunnycuts, 26 minutes ago


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Troy Presentation Jian

From: sunnycuts, 25 minutes ago

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Monday, April 14, 2008


Ancient Greece Sang Sang

From: sunnycuts, 2 minutes ago

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sang myth

Ancient Greek Mythology Sang

From: sunnycuts, 3 minutes ago

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Friday, April 11, 2008


Lvv Multimedia Project Nick

From: sunnycuts, 4 minutes ago

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rick min costumes

Lvv4 U [Multimedia Project]

From: sunnycuts, 12 minutes ago

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myung su lvv

Lvv Multimedia Project2

From: sunnycuts, 11 minutes ago

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scott thermopylae

Lvv Multimedia Project

From: sunnycuts, 11 minutes ago

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myung su family tree

God%E2%80%99s Fam..

From: sunnycuts, 10 minutes ago

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eric costumes

Costumes In Ancient Greek

From: sunnycuts, 9 minutes ago

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Family Tree Of Greek Gods And Goddess

From: sunnycuts, 8 minutes ago

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Temple Of Zeus

From: sunnycuts, 6 minutes ago

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Ancient Greek Sang Today

From: sunnycuts, 1 minute ago

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Exam Friday

Definitions that could be on the exam:









Essay topics that could be on exam:

Creation myths

Vengeance work in the epic Odyssey.

Xenia as it applies to the ancient Greeks and the Odyssey

The heroic code in The Iliad and The Odyssey.

A legacy of ancient Greece.

Today we will examine the legacies of ancient Greece.

Ancient Greeks believed in the concept of "two worlds" – an "earthly" world and a "spiritual" or "supernatural" world peopled by identities that interacted very closely with the humans of the "earthly" world. Find evidence online in image form to back up this statement.

  • Music was an important part of Greek life.
  • The Greeks were fierce warriors.
  • The Greeks did not value luxury items.
  • The Greeks were a seafaring people.
  • Order, balance, and symmetry are important ideals shaping Greek architecture.
  • Greek sculpture does not portray emotion.
Construct a minimum of five one-sentence assertions about each of the following topics:

  • Role of women in Ancient Greek life
  • The interaction of the Ancient Greeks with nature (animals, birds, foliage, farming)
  • Relationships between the Gods and humans
  • What are some things that seem to be particularly valued in Ancient Greek life?
  • Evidence of a well-developed level of technology
  • Social interactions (class structures?)
What sort of legacy have the ancient Greeks left behind in regards to these categories?

Theater,TechnologyFashion,Music and Dance,Architecture and Sports.

Friday, April 4, 2008

LVV Day Multimedia Project

LVV Multimedia Project

DUE DATE for research paper and presentation: April 9 2008


Students are required to write a research paper and conduct an oral presentation on one of the topic choices found below.

The research project should be 3-4 pages double spaced with 12 point font. Students are required to use a variety of sources during their research including textbooks, books or internet sites. All written work should be in the students own words. Students must ensure that any/all ideas or quotes that are used MUST be sourced within the paper and in a bibliography at the end of the paper. Remember Plagiarism will result in a grade of ZERO!

Topics for your research assignment – choose one of the following:

1. Research the costumes worn during Ancient Greece and create an illustrated catalog of these designs or actually create an imitation of one of these designs. The actual costume could be life-sized or doll-sized.

2. Research the types of food eaten in Ancient Greece or Modern Greece and create a cookbook or bring in samples of these dishes to share with the class.

3. Research and compare ancient civilizations. Present the case for the survival of the great empires and cultures of world history, asking a GOD to intervene to halt their decline. Introduce ancient civilizations to the class. What happened to these titanic achievements of culture, politics, military might, and economics? Why didn't they survive? Could their decline have been prevented? Relate the origins, climate, strengths and weaknesses of the civilization.

4. Create a comic or animated version of an ancient war or battle in an ancient civilization. (Peloponnesian War, Battle of Chaeronea, Battle of Actium etc)

5. You are traveling around a long time ago and come upon a civilization. In your group, there is a historian, anthropologist, and archeologist. Collect information, take photos, and collect artifacts all in your interest area. Keep everything in your personal journal. Before you land in your home country, you and your team will need to prepare a presentation of findings to present to your country's ruler. Create a quiz to follow your presentation.

6.Topic of your choice approved by me.

Directions for Oral Presentation:

Students are required to complete a 4-5 minute presentation on their research project. Students should discuss their finding on the above questions – be as thorough as possible. Be prepared to answer questions regarding your answers.There must be a multimedia aspect to this project!

Ideas include:power point,poster,video,music etc

Thursday, April 3, 2008

LVV Test 3 The Odyssey

LVV Test 3 April 3 2008

The Odyssey

Instructions :paper to be written in class during class time,not typed

1 page single spaced expected for each

choose 2 of the following 5 topics

no outside sources

dictionary allowed

handed in today Thursday April 3

combined with online quiz

Online quiz =10%

Written test=40%

Each written answer is worth 20 marks

1. In what ways does Odysseus develop as a character during the course of the narrative? Does he develop at all?

2. What is the role of women in the Odyssey? Focusing especially on Penelope, Calypso, discuss how women are portrayed in this epic.

3. Suppose you were Telemachos and your father had never returned from a long war, and your mother was pestered by men who wanted to marry her and who were leeching off her. How would you handle your problems?

4. As an epic hero, Odysseus possesses many exemplary qualities. List and explain how they benefit him. What are his less admirable characteristics and how do these qualities cause him harm? Why is Odysseus looked to as a powerful representation of the mythic hero?

5. A major theme in The Odyssey is reciprocity: people getting what they deserve. Explain how this theme affects the main characters: Odysseus, Penelope, Telemachus.

Things to remember :

Above all, it is essential that you answer the question posed with a coherent argument which is supported by reference to the evidence and details from the book.

Clearly state your main point in the opening paragraph of the essay. Use facts to support your arguments. Be certain to explain how and why you came to a particular conclusion.

Identify possible weakness in your position. Never assume that your essay position is fool proof. Try to consider why others will take a different position. Try to incorporate these potential weaknesses into your answer.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Hand in your Journal!

We are going to look at grammar today.

Check this website and work on the adjective exercises.

An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words. An adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies.

the highlighted words are adjectives:
The truck-shaped balloon floated over the treetops.
Mrs. Morrison papered her kitchen walls with hideous wall paper.
We are going to read our book again:)

You also have a travel brochure to create on an ancient city (its the research project on engrade).

You can choose from this website.

Due Monday.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008